Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I didn't like this story as much. I found it interesting the way the stories wove in and out, but didn't enjoy reading a tale of such deperation and saddness only to be relieved at the end of story that one child was safe, but another was not. While, it was well written, it did not appeal to me.


This was one of my favorite poems of the entire semester, but I can't help but wonder how much you could get out of it without knowing the history of Teddy Rossevelt and his political influence in Central and South America. I loved the picture Espada paints of the army of Spainish singing children in the hallways pronouncing Roosevelt as Hernandez. I guess Espada's Puetro Rican parentage could also help in reading this poem. Another example of biography influencing the reading of a poem.

Sea Oak

I loved this piece. I'm not sure I understood every that Saunders was trying to get across, but I thought his use of language and humor was excellent. Whether you agreed with his viewpoints on our society, I don't think it was possible to start reading this story and not want to finish. I thought he creating a very powerful image of our societies sharp decline in disciple and character. Excellent peice and very well written.

Native America in poetry

I found both Alexie and Louis to have similar view points on the Native American culture and their way of life under white American rule. However, I found Alexie's use of poetry to be more powerful and effective that Louis because of the simplicity of his message. I thought Louis seemed to want to shock and anger his readers into action, while Alexie uses a simple and yet saddening message to make his readers feel the emotion behind his message.

Gluck v Homer

I found Gluck's telling of the "untold" stories of the Odyssey to be interesting, but I couldn't help but wonder what Homer would have thought of them. Homer, obviously, didn't write the Odyssey, he only wrote it down, however, is it possible that he left parts of the story out that he didn't perfer? Is it possible that Gluck's untold stories had been told before, but were purposely left out of Homer's version of the tale?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Endings

Awesome piece. Great idea and very well developed. Atwood really makes you think and paints a good picture with her words. I personally loved the line, "So much for endings. Beginnings are always more fun." I find that with most books, stories and movies it easy to come with a great idea and develop a story, but the most difficult thing to do in writing is create a great ending. So many great stories are ruined by their horrible endings. Although, according to Atwood, the only assured ending is that everyone eventually dies.

What we talk about...

What are we talking about? I understood this story, but thought it was kind of pointless. Nothing is resolved in the end and the characters appear to be going on about their sad lives. Terry appears to be beaten down by the world as well as her former husband. She is the most interested character to me, because she is a classic example of a woman who is trapped in bad relationship after bad relationship, but continues the pattern because she just wants someone who will show her some affection. I thought the rest of the characters were boring and not very well developed.

They Feed, They Lion...

They write a commentary on society. Levine poem (about the Detroit riots after further research) to me seems to be a commentary on the society of the day. He also appears to be warning his fellow man about what could happen if things continue the way they are. I find that writings after major catastrophic events are often filled with strong emotions, like rage and hatred. Levine keeps his emotions in check and writes an honest commentary in this piece.

Adrienne Rich - Aunt Jennifer's Tigers

I found this poem to be one of the most sad of the entire semester. You could really feel the burden of the Aunt. I found the line about the weight of the wedding ring to be haunting. This 1950's woman would have been unable to divorce without being outcast in society. She was essentially trapped in a marriage that she couldn't get out of. Even the line about her dead wringing hands gives off the impression that she won't even find peace in death.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Robert Lowell

I found Lowell's use of the 54th Infantry in the poem For the Union Dead interesting. Since I have some background knowledge on the 54th from the moive Glory, I was unsure why Lowell would use their image in his poem. After doing some research, I found out that Lowell was the distant cousin of Robert Shaw, was the commander of the 54th and was burried with his troops whic was uncommon itself and remarkable because all of his troops were black. I wonder if Lowell would have used their story in the poem if he wasn't related to Shaw and knew his story.

Plaith v Sexton

I found both of these poets, whom both committed suicide, to show signs of depression and exclusion in their poetry. In Plaith's Tulips I get the sense that she wants to stay in this hospital and that the tulips at her bedside table remind of the outside world she wants to avoid. In Sexton's Her Kind she compares herself to a witch. I believe that Sexton felt like an outcast and shows signs of depression in her works that probably lead to her suidice.

Berryman - Life influences Art?

I though that both of the Dreams Songs that we read (#29 and #45) had the feel a person struggling with alchohol or drug addiction. #29 to me, felt like a person trying to remember the events from the night before after a drinking or drug binge and decided if what he remembers really happened. The last line of poem feels like he is realized that no one is missing and he hasn't commited the acts he remembers.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

O'Hara v Brooks

In comparing Frank O'Hara's The Day Lady Died to Gwendolyn Brooks The Boy Died In My Alley I found that I enjoyed O'Hara's poem much more. I found the rhythm and verses to me easier to follow and the story to be strong, yet simple. Brook's poem was slightly tangled and too erratic for my taste. O'Hara conveys a sense of desperation in the time period of his poem that really hit home for me. I felt the emotion of the poem without having to digest over multiple readings.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Papa's waltz

Was Theodore Roethke abused as a child? This does not seem to be a happy waltz. The father appears to be drunk and the mother does not seem happy about the situation. They are knocked pots and pans down and the father is "beating time" on his head. To me this appears to be be a poem by an abused child who is trying to connect his pain to something happy, like a dance.

One Art

While I thought this was a well written poem, I couldn't decide if she was discussing losing a loved one to death, or losing a lover. I've read it over and over and cannot decide which. I also am not sure what the stanza about the cities is talking about. I get the overall theme of the poem, but do not understand it's smaller points.

I Stand Here Ironing

I thought that Eudora Wetly did a wonderful job in this story of getting across the emotion of the mother. This is one of the few pieces I've read this semester in which I truly felt connected emotionally. I really felt sad for the mother, who was forced into single-motherhood at an early age and during a difficult economic time in our country's history.

Two of my best friends growing up were raised by single-mothers. Both of their fathers had died when they were young. I got only a small glimpse of how difficult it is on both the mother and the children of a single-mom family. I think this story deals so much with the grief of the mother, that the feeling and emotions of Emily can get lost in the shuffle. We hear about her difficulties, but we don't understand the emotions that lead her to her decisions. I would love to hear Emily's side of this story.